Sunday 23 October 2011


My best friend has been here for a few days and as usual it has been soooooo nice to see her! My life in Norway would be just right if I could only convince her to move here.....
We are now in Gøteborg for a few days of better shopping, better food and friendly Swedes!
(My blogging is non existent at the moment due to a terrible internet connection which we are trying to change but if you are familiar with a norwegian working day you'll know that it's pretty hard to get anything done in a country where they don't like to work more than six hours a day!)


  1. A working day of six hours sounds pretty decent to me ;) (as long as you do not need to get anything fixed, that is).

  2. So jealous you have a best friend visiting! Jeg gleder meg til å ha en besøk fra beste vennine min (or something like that. . .)!

  3. I just love to see all your photos, they are always cool. So I pass on the Versatile Blog Award to you.

