Sooooo, I took norsk prøve 2 today. Hmmmm, I'm not sure how it went. There was a writing portion where I had to write about a typical week in letter form to a friend and another where I had to write a note to a neighbour about looking after my home whilst on holiday. This was not difficult.
Next I had to read (and understand) 4 different texts and answer questions with a short sentence or a one word answer. Again, not too difficult.
The difficult part was the listening task.
This was a disaster! Oh my god. They spoke too fast,with difficult accents and so many words I don't yet understand.
I tried my best and whether I pass or fail I come away knowing that I have achieved something. After only 16 weeks of classes I
can now speak pretty good norwegian and I have made wonderful friends on my course. You can't really ask for much more than that!