Sunday, 31 March 2013

Happy Easter

We've been having a sun filled (and snow free) few days in Gøteborg, wandering, eating and shopping.
You have to love a city that's just 3 hours drive away, is open at easter and is way cheaper than Norway. Go Sverige :)


  1. God Påske Lisa!
    Good luck with the house-hunting!

    1. Thanks Emily :)
      Hope you and your family had a lovely easter too!

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Polly, yes, it is BUT as nice as it looks it does not feel nice! Its a linen blend and it feels a bit rough and just like linen clothes it becomes bigger the longer its used! I've been known to get so fed up of it after three days that I end up changing to another duvet cover! My friend has the off white one and she says its much softer.....

    2. Thank you Lisa, that's really good to know, perhaps I'd go for the off white then should I decided to indulge (ie face up to my fear and head to IKEA)

    3. Ikea fear? What's that? I LOVE going to Ikea!! ;)

  3. yay for sun-filled days! it's fun to find those places that you can have day trips in...and yep, doesn't hurt that it's tons cheaper. I have spent tons of time in Sweden. heja Sverige! ;) My husband and I honeymooned in Norway..I knew it was expensive but was surprised how much more!

  4. Hej, kul att hitta dig - gillar dina bilder & blogg! :-)

    1. velkommen! Jeg er glad at du liker bloggen min :)
