Saturday 26 January 2013

Where I want to be...

During the week we rush off to work every morning and at the weekend we are also up and out pretty early but when I woke up this morning to a heavy overnight snowfall I decided we were not leaving the house today. We have plenty of good food, flat is warm and cosy and there is nowhere we need to be. Just here on the sofa in our pj's.
The weather has hovered between -15 and -21c all week and I spend at least 2 hours everyday playing outside at work so a day on the sofa watching the snowfall is much needed :)
Oh, and this week after a wait of 28 months I have finally been granted temporary residency in Norway after taking our battle with the Udi to the next level, the UNE have looked thoroughly into our case and we got a lovely letter this week telling us about all the fuck ups the Udi made with me.
My next fight is to get all the money back that I payed for norwegian lessons (they would have been free if my permit came through straight away like it should have!) You can read my Udi story here
Have a good weekend folks!


  1. Oh, a lot of lovely stuff to rest my eyes on in this post....What is that teapot series with triangles?

    Have a nice day in the sofa...we are staying in too ;)

  2. The tea pot is called checkmate and its by Staffordshire,England. You can usually get the whole set on ebay uk for about 100kr!

    Enjoy your sofa day too :)

  3. those sofas look so cosy and inviting, and I love the selection of prints on the wall :)

    1. Thanks Charmaine, cosy and inviting is always good :)

  4. Good luck with UDI and your money back!

    1. Thanks Emily! Im sure I wont get it back but I'll try!
      I've been fighting Norway for sooooo long! :)

  5. Love your blog! Nice to meet you and read about your experiences in norway.
    Love from Bergen x
