Saturday, 19 June 2010

This morning

I have been trying so hard not to spend any money,what with our upcoming move to Norway (We are taking everything we own, and I own a lot !) and forking out for new car tyres, the car M.O.T which we failed because of the tyres,so I felt a tiny bit guilty when I treated myself to this bird print dress this morning. This afternoon I'm leaving Henrik to his beer,sofa and football and heading off to A taste of London with the lovely Jessica.


  1. Don't feel guilty - I am sure it was a much needed boost to the morale..besides its a gorgeous dress!!

  2. Have fun! I went last year and it was a great experience. x

  3. hello, can you tell me the name of the name of the plate (the company ;) ). so often i see this great leaves decor. but cant find it.

    greetings from germany: daniela

  4. Daniela- The name of the company is Gustafsberg and the name of the design is Bersa. You can normally pick up originals on e bay (for a price!) or you can buy them new (ours are from Skandium, who have an online shop)
